Our body shop is staffed with qualified and trained expert technicians and office personnel. Auto Clearing Collision’s staff offers over 150 years of quality caring repair experience. This helps provide customer satisfaction through our teamwork, quality and integrity. This ensures that your damaged vehicle gets repaired properly and on time providing you, OUR CUSTOMER, with knowledge and confidence in our workmanship and service.
Only SGI's most trusted Repair Centres are ranked with Elite Status. We were given 3 Stars out of a possible 3 from SGI. This means that you are bringing your vehicle to a trusted source for your vehicle repair. Also, once you have made your claim with SGI you can book your Damage Estimate with us. Once your Damage Estimate is complete we will walk you through the steps to get your vehicle repaired. No more headaches. Let us help you get your vehicle back in working order.
In our Paint Shop your vehicle will have the Factory Matched Refinish Restored.
Our Color Matching Expert Paint Technicians will use our Newly Converted ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY “GREEN” PPG NEXA Waterborne Paint System.
Our Computerized Color Matching Paint System and 2 State of the Art Downdraft Paint booths and Prep Station will Bake your Paint and Restore your Like Factory Finish.
Repair to all Makes and Models: Domestic and Import
Repair/Refinish All Makes and Models: Domestic and Import